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My new ferrets...about 3 months old, and a cracking wee pair of Jills...they are well natured, and dont mind being handled at all...:)


I've not had ferrets for perhaps 15 years...and was thinking about getting back into working them...at one time I had almost 2 dozen of them, I originally started with a couple of pairs... all working on a rota system...but....folks and farmers used to give me "Feral" ferrets found all over the place..and I didnt have the heart to refuse them..LOL.....so, when a mate asked if I was interested in a pair...I had to say yes...:)They arrived last week, and are now fully settled in.

Hopefully another wee weapon in my arsenal..:) and along with the .410, I'm hoping to have some great days out later in the year.....:)


I'm in the process of building a carry box and an outside run for them, thank god I drive for a sawmill...:)



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Nice pair of ferrets there, is it an Albino, or a Black Eyed White


Heres a pic of our new ones




They are brother and sister Minnie (little sandy) And Billy (Black Eyed white Hob)


And Tilly, the only surviving kit from this years litter with her mum (Beau)



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Thanks Guys..It's an Albino.:)..and tomorrow afternoon,once I get home from a walk round the farm...the rest of my day is to be spent making a better run for them....something like the one those lovely ferrets in Wingnut's pic are having a great time in......:) I've had my orders...:)

Edited by Norrie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats the thing with keeping ferrets once people know you have them the collection grows with rescued ones. Have had 2 found on building sites 1 soft as and one that saw fingers as food and had to turn down loads more as not got the room to keep them



Hiya, yep, even 30 years ago that's what was happening to me...and now, tho', I'm only three weeks into it again...I've had a phone call asking if I wanted another "stray" one...I'm now looking at building/buying a couple of double decker hutches..."just in case"...my 12x6foot shed will be full soon methinks...:)


BUT, on another note, had a delivery to a farm in the Borders early this morning, driving up the track to it, it's overrun with Rabbits, holes everywhere...had a chat, and it looks like i'll be able to Ferret there once or twice a month...thus...enabling me to stock up on Ferret food...:)

Edited by Norrie
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  • 1 month later...

Your ferrets are looking good mate, they should provide you with plenty of sport and a well stocked freezer, care for them well and they will provide for you well! :good:

A couple of good ferrets are the best asset that a rabbit controller can have. There's no better "sport" than shooting over a couple of ferrets in my opinion. I used to keep and work about a dozen (On a rota system) many years ago and if I had a garden and a shed I would not hesitate in having a few again!

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