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Few pics from the last fortnight.


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Had been watching a flat bit of barley for a week or so and a fair number of doos were accumulating so went with the wee man and Rab with a bag of deeks and plenty squeabs expecting a decent bag.The morning was pea soup and setting the hide in the trees meant for a soaking from the drips but wasnt worried with the big bag we were going to get.The first couple of hours were slow and i thought it was maybe due to the weather,but the next couple in glorious sunshine were even slower and with it being clear i could see they were were working a park of swathed rape about a mile away.Not the best bag but finished downing 11 cushies and one hoodie and Rab getting a good workout retrieving and Mac getting a few shots with the 410 but no success.

With the weather fine we headed hame and changed the shotguns for the rifle and headed out for a buck.Lovely evening but not a great wind and the first two places we abandoned because of it even though we saw plenty action.The 3rd was ideal due to being way above the roe and after a 200 yard walk the first glass in the valley showed a buck messing around with two twins from this year.A bonny mature 6 pointer,so necked him at around 100 and he dropped on the spot.Lardered at 18kg and that was enough for the day.

Started raining on Saturday and never let up till Monday evening bringing the water level up to around the 14 feet mark,flooding the Deveron including the golf course.Went out for worms with Mac using the torch at night,and headed down to the river where the height was around 6 foot by five in the morning.Water was very dirty and ideal for the worm but after 5 hours at the burn moo we headed across the bridge and onto the river itself.Second cast here produced some nice thumps on the line and i struck into a cracking 4lb Sea Troot.After a nice scrap she was landed but had to be chapped on the heed as the hook was way down and she was bleeding.One of the pitfalls of the worm at times,especially with gravid fish.Mac had some good sport with the troot too,but i think everything was gutsed going by the amount of worms the troot were spewing up and their pot bellies.

Down next morning with the water at plus 2foot at 5,and after an hour with the orange Rapala i got a thumping take,and a nice Salmon started playing me for a wee while.Had to be canny with the high water so played him to a decent landing spot and dragged her up onto a wee bit of shingle.Absolute mint bar of silver weighing in at 8 1/4lb.

Few pics also of the flooding,with before and afters to show how high the river was.




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excelent pics - Do you never do any work loon :hmm: only jelous buddy, im still trying to catch up - looks like you missed the worst of the floods ??? Dreading Monday when the calls start re drookit cars :oops: Good to see you & your family again @ Moy looking forward to shooting with you again Dave :yes:

Edited by Tam
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