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My mate, who has a shotgun licence, was doing decorating work at a house, and the old guy there, who new he had shotgun's, told him that he had an old shotgun in the attic that belonged to his son. The son emigrated 16 years ago, and the shotgun remained there all that time. He showed my mate the shotgun, and told him that 'he could have it'. My mate now has the shotgun, but wants to know how he can put this onto his ticket without any problems. I told him that he could hand it over to an RFD, and then they will enter it in his ticket, making it legal.

Is this true?



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HI steve i went through something similar, you need a friendly RFD. Who takes it in puts it on his register, then informs police of it's existance, they check it's not stolen etc then it can be released to your mate. As I'm in the same area i guess it will be the process. PM me for more info

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The shotgun in question, was legally owned, but when th person packed in shooting, he never got rid of the shotgun. I know the shotgun has not been stolen, but I appreciate that the police would have to check it's details. Would they bully my RFD mate,in trying to make him say where he got the shotgun from?

I know that the police would rather see shotguns registered to someone, other than them 'floating around' without any records.

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The shotgun in question, was legally owned, but when th person packed in shooting, he never got rid of the shotgun.


So it has been in someone unlicensed possession for 16 years!


I had one in same circumstances it seems SWales aren't too hot on chasing up on cert holders who emigrate, (might be the same bloke did he go to canada?)


Even tho it was on their system then never renewed (just fell out of their system) it still took 4+ weeks for them to legitimise it, and they had to have a letter from the person who had had it in the meantime stating how it came into their "unlicensed possession" a Friendly RFD can make the whole process less painful but it does seem the FLO were difficult considering they had lost it, it was going back onto a real cert you would have thought them grateful it wasn't just left/sold on illegally.... But no they werent!


Bottom line your mate is now in possession of an unlicensed firearm and things could be far worse for him as a cert holder.....

Edited by HDAV
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I had one in same circumstances it seems SWales are too hot on chasing up on cert holders who emigrate, (might be the same bloke did he go to canada?) Even tho it was on their system then never renewed (just fell out of their system) it still took 4+ weeks for them to legitimise it, and they had to have a letter from the person who had had it in the meantime stating how it came into their "unlicensed possession" a Friendly RFD can make the whole process less painful but it does seem the FLO were difficult considering they had lost it, it was going back onto a real cert you would have thought them grateful it wasn't just left/sold on illegally.... But no they werent!



Apparantly, the owner of the shotgun packed in shooting at the time when you did not have to notify the police when you bought or sold a shotgun. I presume he was never asked about it, when his certificate lapsed.

My RFD mate has never done this before, and I think he's worried about repercussions if he takes the shotgun off my mate, and then 'sells' it back to him.

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I dont know what the rules were 16 years ago (1995?) RFD mate needs to ring the GTA or BASC Trade dept asap. I now know of a RFD who knows the process, with the one i had, the person in possession took it to an RFD he had "known for years" who called FEO reported the "hand in" and not as anonymous (well he did know the bloke) and caused a huge backlog of paperwork (regardless of you/him/knowing its history they have to check the full database of liscences/forces etc other wise any stolen guns could just be buried for 10 years then resurface). At the time i was told it wasnt worth the bother unless it was a valuable gun and it's sadly true.


RFD mate should check the procedure for an "anonymous hand in" and how to deal with it regarding FLO....

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