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hard work and a few lessons learned


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was out today to shoot pigeon,was shooting over rape stubble, farmer had phoned mag 357 yesterday said pigeon everywhere :good: 3 of us turned up to see if we could get a decent bag,mag357 hawkeye and myself we each choose a field and off we went, fair few birds in the air but all crossing at height looking like they were heading for the next county.


I set up with dead birds a dozen on cradles and one on a flapper, bird after bird went over the top showing no inclination to decoy, mag phoned said I have had a couple come straight in to a rotary, so eventually dropped two fresh birds and set a rotary away, got a couple more but nothing much happening despite many many birds disappearing at height into the distance.


after a while we decided that we should knock off go for some lunch and go back later ( left all the gear set up) an hour later back we come I stand and watch what is happening then make a change to my pattern, wind is starting to pick up but still very light so out with the shells, then move the rotary way way down from me but behind the pattern not in front ( birds had been coming down wind to nearly within range then veering off)this started to get a few results but the birds were coming in like bats out of hell with no intention of stopping.


at this point I thought my battery on the rotary seemed to be going, so I went out took off the real birds and put on the lighter hypa flaps, this amazed me and I say this in all honesty

I had birds now coming in and ignoring the deeks and flapper but going direct for the rotary some landing within feet of it, can't believe they went for them in preference to the real birds I had been using, so I whipped the rotary in closer and I ended up with a half decent bag of 50, some birds lost in the wheat behind me :angry: but with the birds mag and hawkeye got not too bad a day in difficult still and hot conditions


so the moral is don't give up keep trying, Oh and found that the birds belting over us were going to the farm behind us they were literally following a combine, wonder who owns that farm :hmm:



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