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How do you help deter rural crime??

Pigeon love

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exactly and the reason most are unsavory characters that do it is that its an activity reserved for a special kind of person poaching. The type that had permission and ran their dogs legitimately are totally different to the ones that couldn't give a toss about boundaries and run them on hares or deer on land they have no right to be on.


well said al4x.there is a massive difference between those willing to break the law, the stupid hunting act and to trespass and other people who obey by the law and aren't so ignorant.


i dont want to get into a debate on this as i truly hate to see "hunting" folk having a go at "shooters" and vice versa. those of us who enjoy country sports, be it with gun, dog, rod, hawk or whatever, we should all stand together as one, cos we have enough people wanting to have a pop at us, or stop us doing what we enjoy. name calling and labelling amongst ourselves is the last thing we need when there are antis, celebrities and politicians willing to do that for us.

Edited by BenBhoy
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