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Fox Terrier


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I have a 4 year old fox terrier male called archie who at the moment is constantly scrathing his neck, under his front legs (basicly in the armpit) and then allways nibbling his front feet till they are red and sore...


ive taken him to the vet who has confirmed no fleas or any real reason to do this to himself..


he will draw blood on himself then scratches the scabs off and then he bleeds more they are only small pea sized scabs on his neck maybe 2 at a time in different areas..


he has very light colour fur so could this be somthing to do with it?? or could it be his diet?? i have put him on a bland diet of chicken and rice or pasta...


also what cream is on the market to help clear the scabs from his neck and sooth his armpits/feet??


any help would be great


Rich. :good:

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hi rich. i had a JRT with very simialr sounding issues to yours, predominantly on the feet. i presume the vet didn't notice any lumps or cysts?


have you had a good look at his feet? no signs of grass seeds or anything of the like? where do you walk him mainly? i know some dogs can be sensitivie to fertilisers etc put on arable land...


may i ask what food you were feeding him before changing? he may well be allergic to something. if you look at http://www.collardspetfood.co.uk/ you can request a free sample. this is a food especially created using none of the ingredients which are common in dog allergies.


take a look here mate, http://www.dogpawlicking.com/ i've not really gone through this site though so not sure how reliable.


all the best, let us know how you get on.

Edited by BenBhoy
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hi yea the vet checked his feet no sign of anything..he is walked on private fields with no fertilizers on them or on the roads...no grass seeds or anything..


i used to feed him on pedigree tinned dog food with a few biscits...and the odd treat..


any ideas on a decent sort of antiseptic dog cream to help sooth his sore areas???



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  • 3 weeks later...



just to give you all a update..


i have given archie a treatment of frontline and got a anti fungal shampoo from the vets...he is 100% better no more scabs on his neck and he seems back to his normal self again..


he still nibbles his feet abit but all the scratching has gone and no-more scabs on his neck and the red raw bits under his front legs have settled down..i also got a cream to put on the scabs it smelled like germoline to be honest but it has done the trick..


i have no idea what irritaded him so much but it seems to have stopped..


so much so he will be with me on the grouse on monday....


just wanted to say thanks from me and archie for all the suggestions and help..


rich :good:

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