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shotgun chokes


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well guys, am looking around for shot guns just to get an idea. what chokes would you have if its fixed choke and why ? i want a general purose field o/u and seen a baikal 27 ? these any good its only £50 looks good nick, reputable dealer, has 1/4 & 1/2 ? is this a general multi purpose thing for pigeons and crows ? or would 1/2 and full be better ? this would only be a bang about gun and one i would lend my dad to use as im also after a miroku mk70 for clays and the odd shoot that id look after it.


cheers for any advice for on chokes, as to be honest i've not a clue on these, i've always shot my friends/coaches as they are and never asked

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Hi dan, obviously most folk will have their own ideas based on their own experience. For my part i've been/am mentored by my father in law (he's a game keeper) he recommended to me that 1/4 or no more than 1/2 choke is sufficient for what i/he shoots, i.e clays, pheasant, partridge, crows , pigeons.


It seems to work for us, if we miss it's because we miss, and not because we have the wrong choke. General consensus seems to be that modern cartrides are'nt as choke relient as the older stuff.


Good luck :good:


Edited to add, the Lincoln in my sig (purchased from father in law) is 1/4 1/4 fixed choke. The AYA Yeoman Multi Choke is fitted with 1/2 and 1/4 chokes.

Edited by Bad Monkey
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I used improved and 1/4 for years for all game and clays, bought a multichoke a while back and never bothered to change it from the open and improved fitted - even when I unscrew them to clean the threads every now and again. Seems to work fine for rough and pigeon shooting, perhaps a better shot than myself would disagree though?

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