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Air Arms S510 xtra FAC


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Hi has anyone got the above rifle.I am thinking of getting one and it would be good to hear someone else's view of the S510 xtra.Also has anyone hunted with the BSA ND3 laser? Is it as good as advertised?

Thanks in advance.


I believe the same lazer that BSA buy and re-badge is massively cheaper on the net :good: Is this what they are calling that twin cylinder jobby? looks poo but i bet its a usefull bit of kit in the field

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I believe the same lazer that BSA buy and re-badge is massively cheaper on the net :good: Is this what they are calling that twin cylinder jobby? looks poo but i bet its a usefull bit of kit in the field

The Nd-3 is not a laser its basicaly a very pricey green torch

my friend Phil, field tested one for the large gunshop

where he is the airgun specialist his view of the Nd-3

its cr-p , spend your money on a good lamp

or tactical torches now available.

regds brian

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I have the S410 xtra FAC SL which is the same as the 510 I believe.


Its a nice looking rifle and accurate. Mine doesnt get much use now but 70 yd shots are no problem and using Bisley mags its running at roughly 31ft/lbs


For me they are quite loud even with the shrouded barrel so I fitted a mod which sorts that out. This does make it longer though so not good for vehicle use but no problems out on foot.


Fill pressure is 200psi which gives a good shot count (at least 40) but as it has an adjustable power setting you can dial this power down to give a higher shot count if that is required.(if you get one a divers bottle is the easiest way to go for filling)





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