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Springer servicing/tuning medway


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A mate of mine is looking to get his BSA Meteor tuned and chrono'd in the medway area, tried the local gunshop and someone from the yellow pages (he said he didn't chrono but he can tell from the action of the spring mmmmmmmmm) but not a lot of help.

Just wondered if anyone knew of anyone, either that or is it worthwhile sending it back to bsa?





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A mate of mine is looking to get his BSA Meteor tuned and chrono'd in the medway area, tried the local gunshop and someone from the yellow pages (he said he didn't chrono but he can tell from the action of the spring mmmmmmmmm) but not a lot of help.

Just wondered if anyone knew of anyone, either that or is it worthwhile sending it back to bsa?





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Well where would you tell him to take it to you say are advise is rubbish but I can't see your advise where he should go instead perhaps you forgot to mention it


My advice is not to use AGC based on the service I and others have had from them, have you ever used AGC? I doubt it and therefore your recommendation is completely invalid. Basing your opinion on what you think you know without having first hand experience is not helping anyone.

As for who can do the work, I don't know so I won't give a name without knowing what I'm talking about.

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My advice is not to use AGC based on the service I and others have had from them, have you ever used AGC? I doubt it and therefore your recommendation is completely invalid. Basing your opinion on what you think you know without having first hand experience is not helping anyone.

As for who can do the work, I don't know so I won't give a name without knowing what I'm talking about.



Personally I have only had perfect service and advice. I had a problem with my Daystate which they replaced with a brand new own after it came back from Daystate faulty without even asking for it. Many people down here use them with now problems.

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I had completely the opposite, my prosport went for service and came back with a chopped spring, damaged spring guide and way down on power, a member on another forum has just had a similar experience and waited weeks for work that should have taken a few days at most. I appreciate you have had good service but how much did AGC do? probably returned your gun to the manufacturers and gave you a replacement? Argos do that, it's not the same as being a proper gunsmith and knowing how to tune a gun to make the most of it's potential.

One further point, when I was trying to get mine sorted I made endless calls to AGC trying to get answers, their "gunsmith" was only working on sunday mornings so how much quality work was he doing in that time?

No offence intended but a good sales patter and a glossy advert in the mags do not mean a good gunsmith and that's what the chaps meteor needs.



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My advice is not to use AGC based on the service I and others have had from them, have you ever used AGC? I doubt it and therefore your recommendation is completely invalid. Basing your opinion on what you think you know without having first hand experience is not helping anyone.

As for who can do the work, I don't know so I won't give a name without knowing what I'm talking about.

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I only included one example I noticed my HW80 was down on power, one of the HW butchered springs and had an new spring and all internals replaced in house as I was allowed to watch, came back first time correctly and free of charge. A few weeks ago I went in to purchase an MTC Taipan only to be told not to waste my time in replacing my Carl Zeiss scope. Another thing to bare in mind people are always quick to bitch about bad service but praising good service some how never heard. I also was speaking to the head of the South African gun owners assoc. (BASC equivalent) the other day and he recommended them when he found out I lived in the UK.

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You seem to have got it in to your head that I have had know dealings with the air gun centre in London road you are wrong I live in Kent I belong to the whitefield air gun club one month ago 5 of us went up to buy some gear and two of the guys took there air arms to be serviced all perfectly done I came a way with a hw100t I received very good service so that's why I passed it on to nobby so you don't know any where to have your guns serviced well that about sum you up o sorry I know nothing about you like you know nothing about me except from previous posts regards Frank

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I only included one example I noticed my HW80 was down on power, one of the HW butchered springs and had an new spring and all internals replaced in house as I was allowed to watch, came back first time correctly and free of charge. A few weeks ago I went in to purchase an MTC Taipan only to be told not to waste my time in replacing my Carl Zeiss scope. Another thing to bare in mind people are always quick to bitch about bad service but praising good service some how never heard. I also was speaking to the head of the South African gun owners assoc. (BASC equivalent) the other day and he recommended them when he found out I lived in the UK.


I respect your opinion, you have had a good experience with AGC, just as I have had a bad one. I now do all my own work which saves disappointment and postage. My gripe is not with your good experience, just with advice given by people who have NO experience of the company they are endorsing and whose opinion in my view is therefore completely invalid. I would not make comment on any company I have not had personal dealings with.


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You seem to have got it in to your head that I have had know dealings with the air gun centre in London road you are wrong I live in Kent I belong to the whitefield air gun club one month ago 5 of us went up to buy some gear and two of the guys took there air arms to be serviced all perfectly done I came a way with a hw100t I received very good service so that's why I passed it on to nobby so you don't know any where to have your guns serviced well that about sum you up o sorry I know nothing about you like you know nothing about me except from previous posts regards Frank


So 2 blokes had their AA's serviced, anyone with a chrono and half a brain can do that, it doesn't need a gunsmith. You came away with a HW100, that was salesmanship, nothing to do with being a gunsmith! Wake up and read the original post, the bloke needs someone to tune a BSA meteor, not the easiest guns to tune and therefore he needs someone with experience with that particular gun. AGC will sell you a gun, will service a gun but their gunsmithing skills are not of the best.

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I respect your opinion, you have had a good experience with AGC, just as I have had a bad one. I now do all my own work which saves disappointment and postage. My gripe is not with your good experience, just with advice given by people who have NO experience of the company they are endorsing and whose opinion in my view is therefore completely invalid. I would not make comment on any company I have not had personal dealings with.


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If you look back to the first post from nobby you will see derbsguy gave him the answer first I said a guy from Folkestone so what gave you the idea neither of us had any dealings with AGC London road perhaps you could pm me the lottery wining numbers for Saturday as you seem to know every thing else about my life

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Hi nobby found it just goggle c&shoot if he can't help go with air gun centre across river they do have a work shop and also have a good rep Hope this helps you Frank



So you didn't recommend AGC then? So what was this post about? As I said before, there is a difference between a shop that sells and services airguns and a gunsmith. My experience of AGC was bad, they did not service my PS properly and on that basis they refunded my costs with no question and I will never use them again. I am not the only one that has had this experience. Don't be so narrow minded and defensive, just because you've been in the shop and 2 mates had their guns "serviced" does not mean they are gunsmiths!

Servicing AA pcps is mostly about "o" rings which most people could do themselves, I can tune a prosport now but I wouldn't call myself a gunsmith.

Ok, if you want to use AGC that's up to you, but don't deny that there is 2 sides to every argument.

How many of your airguns have been to AGC for a service or full tune up?

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Handbags !


I have experience of both suggestions so thiought i would have my 2p's worth


Chris at C&Shoot has done some fantastic work for me with my browning and he is great value for money - i didn't realise he did air rifle work but may now have to take my hw for him to tune !


AGC have given my father who lives in foreign parts(essex) exellent service but to be fair he hasn't given them anything by way of actual gunsmithing. Based on his experiences i would go to AGC if i was in the market for a brand new air rifle!


TT, I'm intreagued to know what is meant to be difficult about working on a BSA Meteor - its about as basic & ancient an airgun you can get.

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