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Ruger 10 22

bam bam o yeah

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Talk about missing the point!!!!!




When someone gives a pro of grin factor but acknowledges con of poor accuracy compared to a bolt action,


sorry, please show me where in MY LIST of pro's & con's, do I state poor accuracy :hmm: again, I think your reading posts way to quickly, seeing red and hitting the reply button, rather than letting the information before you sink in, and realise Its two seperate quotes on my post


welshwarrior :good: owe you one

Edited by stubby
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Probably good to 100 yards, doesn't shout 'accurate' to me

Fact you only trust it to 60 doesn't shout 'accurate' to me

Fact others have told you it's not as accurate as a bolt (see other 10/22 thread you have contributed to) also doesn't shout 'accurate' is all I need IMO.


I get why you like the 10/22, grin factor, which you have said many more times then accurate. Fair enough, but accurate and reliable as a whole it is not!

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chr15j you like a good keybord battle dont you?? ok you dont like them others doo ,calm down lol


as for hitting rabiits on the run, why is it not safe? if the shooter is shooting then the shot will be safe as he WILL have looked first! you mention richochet in the same post, .22s do this for fun even on sand.


oh and btw my head keeper shoots running rabbits under the lamp with his cz bolt action and hits more than he misses!

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Probably good to 100 yards, doesn't shout 'accurate' to me

Fact you only trust it to 60 doesn't shout 'accurate' to me

Fact others have told you it's not as accurate as a bolt (see other 10/22 thread you have contributed to) also doesn't shout 'accurate' is all I need IMO.


I get why you like the 10/22, grin factor, which you have said many more times then accurate. Fair enough, but accurate and reliable as a whole it is not!


its ME that only wants to shoot at 60yds or less mate,so its me not the rifle, most .22 rifles will shoot accuratly

to 100yds and over, not something I want to do (couldent be bothered walking that far to retreave, and I remove everything I shoot)but also, I can be sure of where the shot is going, I wouldent trust myself if shooting at 100 plus yards, thats me, not the rifle here


seems you have a problems with my termaknowledgy, in future Ill edit my posts, removing grin factor and adding accurate

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Ok this has got out of hand!


I merely stated 2 facts

1) 10/22 not the most reliable rifle compared to bolt action cz

2) 10/22 not that accurate either compared to bolt action cz


Both if these facts have also been echoed on these forums by many people


I also gave valid opinion and fact that firing a semi auto at bolting rabbits is not the safest activity, I challenge ANYONE to claim they consider all the necessary factors when squeezing off rounds 2,3,4,5 etc in quick succession at bolting rabbits as much as if they had to take a pause (reload) between shots especially when peering down a scope with narrowed field of view.


I applaud the head keeper hitting bolting rabbits with his cz, prob hits more than misses as considers every shot and knows can't rely on further shots.


And yes I think everyone should enjoy shooting, I love it, but I would, personally, not put grin factor of high rate if fire over accuracy or reliability when shooting in the field. Down the local range us a diff thing.


Fair enuf if you only trust yourself out to 60 yards, it's good to know your limits and your guns/scopes limits and no one should shoot beyond them in the field.


I suggest we put this to bed on friendly terms.

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