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Frank,have you run out of charlies so started shooting billys now :D .Nice pics and good shooting.Is there any legal requirements for the shooting goats.e.g can you shoot them at night,what gun has to be used,shotgun or rifle,is there a close season ?


Hi Rob,

Their is no law at present protecting wild feral goats.

They can be lamped and shot with all manner of firearms.

Infact, one of the goats in the picture, the biggest one, had a big buck shot pellet in its back side, just under skin. :o :no:

This did not seem to penatrate the meat and did not seem to of harmed the goat at all. :lol:

Personally, for humane reasons, i use my .223. I think the perfect calibers are the .223 family, ( accept .17 Rem) and the centerfire .22s, ie, Hornet, swift, ect. :D



Thanks digga. ;)

I have sold a few to irish drum makers, their is a irish word for it, im not good with galic spelling,(let alone mine :good: ) so here is my attempt, they are called Bawrons :good:

John Galway, help me out here :D:lol:


Come on Frank you need to listen to more Christy Moore :lol: Don't forget yer shovel ;)


Bodhran is the word you're after. Pronunciation would be like bow-rawn (bow like after a performance instead of bow & arrow). There's a producer of Bodhrans in the village where I live, very famous, sells them worldwide :D


Not sure if I'm allowed post a link to his site so unless I'm told I can I'll post a pic of Christy and a Bodhran instead :)






:D Thanks very much for that John. :lol:

O' yeah, Christy Moore, 'Ooooooo, dont forget your shovel when you want to go to work,Ooooooect' ect , ect, ect :lol:



i"M afraid the only thing i know about them drums is when we take a ferry over to dublin, to go on the bevy ;) they form part of a group around some bars, great foot tapping stuff the irish folk music :lol:


Thats right digga, you cant beet a good old Irish trad setion. :):D

Helped with a few pints of the black stuff. :):);)

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As you can see, they are treated as vermin in most parts, but their is a growing trend by do gooders, who want them protected. :yp: These idiots, are mainly coming over from the UK, setting up home here and trying to tell country folk over here what to do. :yp: I hate them.


They need to be controlled like the goats. :lol:???





Its unfortunately the case more often than not, that most do gooder’s really don’t understand local circumstance nor do they wish to listen and be educated. They just assume that what they think is good animal husbandry means that all can roam wild and free as they please and not have any control placed upon numbers for the benefit and well being of the country side and its many inhabitants



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I should add when I see your posts I get an image of that sniper in saving private Ryan, just after he says the few words for forgiveness he blows them away,,, every time good shooting m8


:yp: I can relate to that at times. ???






Its unfortunately the case more often than not, that most do gooder’s really don’t understand local circumstance nor do they wish to listen and be educated. They just assume that what they think is good animal husbandry means that all can roam wild and free as they please and not have any control placed upon numbers for the benefit and well being of the country side and its many inhabitants




Very true Pavman :lol:

Its like TB and badger culling for instance. The farmer looses a whole herd of dairy cows and TB is to blame.

Badgers are found on the land and have to be culled as they spread the TB which they have.

Then, the do gooders get to hear about this and decide to stop it. :yp:

Meantime, the poor farmer, is desprately trying to cling on to what he has left, trying to eradicate this awfull germ.

Not helped by the do gooders. ???

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