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Night Searcher 750 Spare Bulbs...


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Hiya, Anyone have any idea where I can buy a new bulb for my NightSearcher750...12V either 50 or 100watt bulb...but prefer the 100..:)


I was given it today by a mate who has given up on lamping...so.... :good:


I've found a website that sells them...BUT I'm NOT paying almost a fiver in post, taking the total to £18 for the 100W..or over £13 for the 50w.....there must be an alternative bulb..thing is tho, the lamp came to me without a bulb in it, so, i've no idea what one does the job...or even what it looks like...


Any help would be brill.


Thanks in advance guys... :good:

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used to buy mine from maplins, around £4.00



Hiya, I have just been told they're the same bulbs as in the Lightforce ,I also have a LF 170.... so, have bought one off the that auction site for £6.10 posted...if it doesnt fit, it'll do as a spare for that lamp,..:)


Got a Maplins about 1 mile from here, so, will also pop up to see them as well...thanks for that..:)

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Just to make sure as no one has actually mentioned it, you have gone for the vertical element version of the bulb?



LOL, Whooosh, that went right over my head...I dont understand the question ...tho, I've since found out, the bulb from my LF170 doesnt fit the Nightsearcher 750...the pins are too wide..:)

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LOL, Whooosh, that went right over my head...I dont understand the question ...tho, I've since found out, the bulb from my LF170 doesnt fit the Nightsearcher 750...the pins are too wide..:)

Oh, that's bad luck! Forget the technical term, but the type of bulb in your 170 has two variants with regard to the element: One runs in line with the length of the bulb - vertically - and the other across it - horizontally. All being well, you have the former.

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