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Rivers west eider jacket

bobby b

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I have a rivers west cammo jacket that I brought back from the states . Without a doubt the best waterproof and warmest jacket I have ever owned . It is guaranteed waterproof for 10 years or your money back . They are not cheap but are proberbly the best out there .


Harnser .

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The only negative I find with most shooting jackets these days is the add ons that come with them


Cartridge holders on inside of pockets, they really annoy me, get in the way and are usually very flimsy flappy things!


And some jackets have the pouches attached by a bit of string/cord....again, annoying flappy bits that get in the way


Just my opinion

Edited by TJ91
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I have just been getting a rivers west eider jacket i was just wondering if anyone else has one and what do they think of them? :good:


They are fantasic! Just took mine out of the washer dryer following last nights flight totally caked in marsh mud- looks like new. Done this many times, no fancy detergents, no need to hang out to dry (indeed they recomend the dryer). It gets very warm if you have a ways to walk and isn't as insulated as some if your sat around a long time, though you handle that by adding a fleese when you stop and walking with it open in the early season. If its very muddy and left that way it will draw a little moisture through eventually but it needs to be seriously wet. As per example you could (and i do) lie down in the wet mud without too much moisture comming through to your other garments to make it uncomfortable. Totally waterproof in any rain! Mine is in its second season now :good:

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