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theoben gas ram

air rifle hunter 2011

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hi i have been thinking about changing my spring in my mk1 bsa superstar to a gas ram. it seems consistent enought for a springer was wondering if


anyone had any info on this ie. is it hard to change the spring , and would it be worth it. my guns about 20 years old i dont know if the spring


was ever changed if not i would say it is in bad nick. i do a lot of pigeon shooting and the gun be's left cocked for long periods i know this


doesnt do the spring any justice thats why i have been thinking about changing any advise would be much appreciated thanks guys

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Gas ram conversion is great! Did it to my old we key Vulcan and it was great. Regret selling it.

Should be easy.

Easy to do

1.remove scope and stock and silencer

2.remove spring, the difficult bit.

I did this by putting gun in giant g clamp barrel on fixed end and rear on action on other. Slide clamp closed then tighten slightly, then remove trigger mech and knock out retaining pin. Then slowly loosen clamp to release latent spring pressure and then disconnect.

3. Insert new gas ram in place of spring and do the reverse of above.

Ensure you put correct calibre gas ram in, I.e don't put a .177 in a.22 as it will be overpowered (fac).

Hope this helps

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