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mastitis in bitch??


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hi all just need some advice asap really what are the first real signs of mastitis in a bitch i noticed the teets on my springer bitch have swollen and are very warm to the touch she's happy for me to hadle them and has shown no pussy or bloody discharge, her litter is now 5 1/2 weeks old and are happily on solid foods just worried if weening them off her is now a mistake!

any help would be great cheers atb jntree :good:

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If it is mastitis then the teats will be hard and lumpy as well as very much warmer.

It is not impossible but I would have thought unusual for all the teats to come down with it at once.

I think that she is very milky and has probably done her pups well. You are maybe just a little early

to wean them off her altogether.

We start by keeping them separate during the day and only put bitches in at night. You should notice a drop off in the amount of milk your bitch produces eventually. You could also cut down on the bitches ration unless she has milked off her back as they say. That should help to cut the amount of milk being produced.


I would see your vet anyway as they can prescribe tablets which will help.




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cheers gh there not hard or lumpy but do seem slightly firmer than normal i knew it was slightly early to ween of but the pups had drained so much out of her and were flying into the puupy food so well i done it to try and spare the bitch, and also the bitch had stated to retreet from the pups at any chance possible, will be taking her in 2moz just to be safe, many thanks jntree

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All that you have said is quite normal. We've got a bitch with pups at the mo too. She is going to them less and less each day and they are only just over 2 weeks old.

They will do it naturally and all you really need to do is make sure you pump the food into your bitch. Ours is on three meals a day and will remain so until the pups are weaned completely

And possibly longer if she looks like she needs it. I'm sure she'll be fine.



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