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how to ask for permission

cliff 87

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I was thinking about getting a air rifle 1st so know i will. I had a family farm last year when i had a webley rider 22 2 shot what i had for 2 years and then i sold like a dikc head. I had a lot of rabbite shoting and ferriting so do wont to get back in to it. so get my rifle then my insurance and get out there thanks.

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As pboro shot said get the rifle get practicing and get a moderator for it when you do get land this will make a lot of difference i just went around all local farms and put it straight i want permission to shot on your land for rabbit what's the worst they can say no someone told me to do it by post this way they might put your details in the draw and call you when needed good luck

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I really struggled to get permission, and found that speaking to lots of people about hunting I found one or two people into it, got out with them and got a couple of two acre permissions of them, also a friends parents had land so signed off on another 16 acres and this monday a guy i sold a dog too has very kindly found me some permission on his friends land and from what i hear its more than i will walk in a weekend so a substantial plot of land, all from talking to everyone I meet lol, I sent 156 letters out two months ago and have had no response back as of yet, cost me a fortune in stamps too :( I went from none to lots in the space of two weeks, hopefully now I will do a good job for them and keep my permissions which will be just as hard as gaining it.


Best of luck


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You are welcome cliff please do a post about your bird of prey sounds.interesting you must have alot of skill to train one of those I saw a u-tube clip they had put a small vid camra on it's leg and it showed it taking a pigeon in mid flight it was brills well good luck to you time for some shut eye

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dont forget e-mail! got both of my permissions via emailing local farmers and golf course's. i fell in lucky really as i only sent about 10 emails out just to test the water...lol.




I was unlucky with emails, sent them to golf courses and farms and riding schools and had no joy :(


But the more you ask and the more different ways you ask you will always have success at some point if you try hard enough

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Fattoad is right mate the guys on here helped me no end. In short be smart when you turn up, polite, have paperwork and letters with you but most of all keep trying. There are loads of laces other than farms that my be getting over looked. I tell most people I meet now that I shoot and everyone seems to know someone with land. You wont convert every time but you will get some. A bottle never goes a miss when you do finally get some. Good luck in youre search.

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Get yourself insured and carry the card.

Decide on your caliber and buy a rifle.

Get a moderator for your rifle.

Get forms/letters printed up and have some with you wherever you go.

Don't wear all your camo/hunting kit when you go knocking doors.

Be polite! (sorry to bother you / do you have a few minutes / I wonder if I could chat to you about,,,,)

Be observant and helpfull ("I've noticed you have a bit of fencing that has been pushed over / there is a gate open in such and such a field where your stock are", "You have loads of rabbits / crows in bla field and I do a bit of pest control, would you like me to go and deal with that problem for you?")("Do you know that, apparently, 3 rabbits eat as much grass as 1 sheep does? Those things must be costing you a fortune!")


I got my first real big bit of permission by telling a farmer about a Thorny Apple bush that was growing on his land and the seed pods were ready to pop (Look it up - a farmer would really not want one of those on his land) and would he like me to remove it, give him a hand removing it, or just show him where it is?). I explained that I was walking on the public right of way and was noticing that there were loads of evidence of rabbits and I smelt fox on a couple of occasions and "I do a bit of pest control,,,,,". That got me about 200 acres.


If the farmer/owner isn't interested, ask if he knows of any of his neighbours that might be in need of a 'pest controller'.


My 2p.

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