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Bloomin' hard work


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Myself and a pal went out today and I have to say it was bloody hard work making any sort of bag. Not that there aren't loads of pigeons around, there are, but they seemed to be here, there and everywhere. I recced for us on Saturday and found several hundred on different stubbles. So today, we split up, him on a maize stubble where I had seen most birds and me on a wheat stubble where I had seen plenty. What happened to them I don't know. We were there early (7.45am) but the birds just didn't seem to be there in the same numbers. The weather didn't help, cold, drizzly, so perhaps they stayed in the woods. Also didn't help that I shot very badly most of the day, until I moved my hide so I could take birds head on instead of right to left. We finished with 33 pigeons, including lots of ferals, two crows, one magpie a rat shot by my pal as it climbed a tree next to him! Hopefully things will improve in the coming weeks but I think the pigeons have become harder to get under as the autumn has progressed. Not been near any rape yet, all we have shot for the last few weeks has been stubbles so not sure what the future holds...

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