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cliff 87

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Got a s410 2nd, so i sent it off to a gun smith and he did a test on it for me and it come back as 21lbs, so he turned it down to 11.5lbs good job i sent it off and did not ues it. So if you buy a 2nd rifle get it checked. The only thing i need to do know it to put new seals in,dont know how to do it and dont wont to pay 90 pound to get it done can any one help.

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Jesus. 21 lb?!!! I didnt think that the adjuster screw could make it go that high. I think you`d have to modify the internals to get it up to that sort of power, incl changing the hammer spring which has the negative effect of making the gun sound a lot louder. If the gun sounds loud when you pull the trigger, it might be worth replacing the spring for a stock one just to make sure, as on a stock s410 the only thing you hear when you pull the trigger is the pellet hitting the target.


Seal wise, look on youtube - there are vids on there of people stripping the s410 down, so you can see exactly how to get into the gun and service it. The spring kits i think cost about a tenner last time i bought one and you really only need a set of allen keys. Its a nice easy job if you take your time over it.

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