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Baikal eject's both empty and full cartridge


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Might be the recoil setting both ejectors to spring. They are normally activated by a mechanism as far as I know, but heavy recoil can set both to spring esspecially if the ejector sears are worn. If I'm wwrong, someone will correct me soon. :good:

thats the way they are made they eject both barrels even if you have only fired one but you can all so turn both ejecters off if you wish :good:

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thats the way they are made they eject both barrels even if you have only fired one but you can all so turn both ejecters off if you wish :good:


I don't think this is true, certainly not of all Baikals anyway - as mine will only eject the fired cartridge/s. I'm sure I come across a few references to this happening on some Baikals when I was researching the ejector timing issue I initially had with mine and I vaguely recall the fault being due to a weak/sticky/broken spring (at a guess the ones located under the ejector selector screws) which is allowing part of the ejector mechanism to move/jump under recoil when it shouldn't - which causes the ejector to trigger when the gun is broken. I'm sure a search of these forums will throw some light on it as it's very likely that is is on here that I read that.

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How do you turn off the ejectors



It's a simple case of turning the ejector screws through 90 degrees to turn them on or off.


The process is shown in much more detail here: http://www.eaacorp.com/Manuals/IZH-27-Manual.PDF


skip to Page 12... Fig. 14 - 17 and the related text.


HI thanks for all the replys lads, they are not made to do this as i have an old one that is playing up, so i brought this one, its like new so it cant have had much use,i will keep looking back on here,thanks again


Worth checking said springs under the ejector selection screws as shown in the figures mentioned above - if their broken / very sticky or clearly very weak then you'll have saved your self a trip to the gunsmith. To get at them you need to remove the ejector selector screws which won't come out without removing the barrels and firing both barrels then with a little twist and a pull with a fine nosed pliers (if needed) they should slide out revelaing the springs underneath.

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