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Local Hunt

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Hello All


This is my first post so hope this has not been covered previously


Have taken on another shoot in which this is our 3rd year, we have sorted a lot of the original problems encountered in first couple of years and have put a lot of time and effort in whilst doing so.


We have to live with the local hunt,(not an option) who unfortunately spend quite a few meet days in the heart of our area. Things were looking very good for this season up until the first couple of meets and then seem to have gone downhill from then on. This could be coincidence and down to other factors such as still being a lot of wild food available and birds naturally leaking away.


Does anybody have first hand experience of similair and any other comments would be welcomed, can we live together or are we wasting our time and effort !!


Best Regards



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Shoots can work with hunts, but you do need to be pro-active about things prior to the meet to establish where they are intending to hunt, and if there are any areas you want them to avoid. Also you will need to book in extra dogging in of the birds from the boundaries after the hunt to ensure they return to the woods. All in I would say it's less disturbance than a shoot day, the hounds don't take a blind bit of notice of the birds. At the end of the day it is disturbance so it's not ideal, but if you have no option but to permit it within the game season, then it can definitely be managed to reduce impact.

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You are not wasting your time. Hounds drawing covert's will hardly disturb birds and far, far less than disturbance on a shoot day. Just ensure that they keep out of covert's for the last hour or so of daylight so that birds are not disturbed when going up to roost.


Make sure you build up a raport with hunt staff and masters and work together, perhaps even by inviting them to shoot on the odd day and putting on a meet for them. It will pay dividends and don't forget to go out the odd day and follow hounds to show your support.


Shooting and hunting can and do work together, it just needs understanding and tolerance on both sides.

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Many thanks for the replies, I/we do have a good relationship with the local hunt and do try and shoot just before they are due to meet in the area.


This is the first shoot I've had where this has been an issue but thanks once again for the comments and we will continue to work with and around them and see how it pans out.


Many thanks



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