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Rabbit pelt?

adam f

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Shot a nice hare last week and I've kept the pelt for use on a training dummy. What do I need to do? Cure it? Just bung it round a dummy?

I just stapled mine fur side down to a board, scraped off most of the soft tissue and fat with a knife, spread table salt on it and left it in the shed for a couple of days, scraped off the salt and any more tissue, re-salted and then a couple more days in the shed.


When it's dry wrap it around your dummy. Don't store it damp and it should last a long while.

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You dont realy need salt etc. Just stetch it out on a board fur side down and staple / nail it tight on a board. Leave it exposed to the wind and weather, its better if its out of the rain but don't fret too much if it gets wet. Simply remove it when its dry. any odd bits of dried flesh tend to be on the outer edges and you will cut these off once removed from the board.


You need plenty as they soon get wet and slimey in use in wet fields and eventually rot :good:



Note the new foaming glues like the Gorilla stuff are the best for gluing onto dummies, just a few cable ties to secure till it cures then trim the raggy bits and use ;)

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