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Ferreting Advice


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Hope someone here can answer this query. I have a wooden deck out the back of the house and a rabbit has decided to take up residence under it. Due to the slope of the ground and the house walls there is a bit at the back that it can hide in and we can't get at it. It is sending the dog mad as she can't reach it and is trying to dig her way through the deck to get at it. Quite keen to get rid of it as it has taken a liking for all the veggies un the raised beds next to the deck. There is a guy down the road who has ferrets and I was going to ask him if he could help. Do you think that if we net round the two open sides of the deck and stick a ferret under it it will be able to get the rabbit.

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of course it will, the only other thing that could happen, would be if the ferret kills the rabbit under the decking, you may have to wait sometime for the ferret to come back out, plus having a dead rabbit under there, may give off a bad smell till its rotted away, keep ya fingers crossed for cold weather, then it would just be a dead frozen rabbit,lol

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There is only one way you could take a shot as my neighbours house and garden also borders onto the area along with a neighbours field and wouldn't want the hassle of the pellet going pst the fence as their back door is there. If you did take a shot you would be pointing at the rabbit and straight at the greenhouse a few feet away.

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