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dog eating grass


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My lab bitch eats more grass than a herd of cows shes almost 2 years old and is part trained . I feed her on dry food with wet food from time to time she always has plenty of water and dosent have a dicky tummy she dosent bring the grass back up . Its got so bad that she will drop the dummy and eat a clump of grass on the way back from the retrive I use the leave it command but at distance its hard to enforce ,any advice how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.Regards Wadingin

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Get her to the vets. We got a rescue dog a few years ago that would do the same, I wasn't too concerned at first as I thought he was just nervous (or liked the taste of grass). Until one day he was extreamly sick and off his food, got him to the vets, they firstly said he's ok just feed him rice, tried this for a day or two but still the same. The vet then decided to X-ray him as he was pretty much on deaths door only to find a blockage in his intestine, they operated there and then only to find a lump of rubber (we think that's what it was as it was very decayed) which can only have been there since he was in his kennal at the dogs trust.


Please get yours to the vets, just to be sure. Let's face it no one can diagnose it for certain via a pc screen.

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Dogs can eat grass fit a number of reasons, to aid digestion, if they feel sick or they just like the taste!

I have one dog who will eat grass from time to time to make himself sick - he has always done it and has been checked over so I don't worry.

My youngest recently started gearing like there was no tomorrow, he'd also had a few abnormal stools. When we took him to the vet he was given a course of tabs to settle stomach, next time we went they had to operate - he was really poorly.

It could be normal behaviour, get it checked out to be on the safe side as digestive problems can take a while to show any external signs that something may be wrong.

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