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cocker on shoot day


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ive got a 16 month old cocker bitch from great lines in training she is almost perfect the retreve the stop she responds to the whistle memory retreves and bringing her on to blinds now. she will fetch shoot game and hunt like mad when she with me.now on shoot day yes other dogs there guns blazing as soon as drive starts she gone and no getting her back dont know wat i done wrong any advice please

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There is a big leap from training,shooting on one's own to a big days shoot for a young dog to take in. :good: You should take a dog a few times on lead to get used to these days.Let him get used to other dogs etc.With other handlers whistling, shouting,and all the other goings on it gets them all hotted up.Don't carry on like you are it will only get worse.Terry :good:

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In a similar position as yourself, currently training a 17 month old Cocker dog. Again does everything you want in trainig. Before I took him on a shoot I took him into a rabbit pen a few times to work on his steadiness to game etc.

Took him beating for the first time a month ago but kept him on the lead, glad I did as he nearly pulled my arm off, he was like a differant dog.

Since then specifically been working on his steadiness & recall and when hunting him not letting him get to far away from me.

Had him out beating a few more times and he is a lot more controllable, had him off the lead where I can see him & keep control of him. Back on the lead in game crop where I can't see him.

I think patience is the key.

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