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Hi Richard-which AA gun is comparable to the huntsman?Are we talking looks? Accuracy? Quality? In my opinion,and judging by which brand sells best,even the basic S200 is more than a match-try one-they are ambi so you should get on o.k.-I will agree that they may be considered ugly but then,in my opinion,not many hunters want to sleep with their guns-the 200 is built,as most AA guns are,to do a job.

In all walks of life you will find collectors of anything from cars to lolly pop sticks-the rarer an item is the more desirable it becomes-this does not mean that it is better than any more easily available similar item-in fact it could be the opposite because if the object was exceptional at performing its designated purpose then it would have sold so many units that it would loose its exclusivity and thus its attraction for collectors.

I am left handed ,by the way,and share your frustration but you may be overlooking one minor prob if you go for a lefty rather than an ambi-its harder to sell on.I have nothing against Daystate and I am glad to see that any british company is thriving but I have watched AA grow from their early days as the Sussex Armoury till today and I have great respect for the advances they have made in modern Airgun design.I am waiting for a S410 in left hand to come up as we speak and have offered up my Logun mk2 as a swap/px-to date I have been offered 2 Daystates but no 410's in any orientation.

Difference of opinion is all part of this great sport in which we partake-for my part it is all tongue in cheek and is never meant to offend or belittle-we have such a difference and that you have taken time and given thought to such an extent that you have a strong view is a credit to you. :yes:

Edited by bruno22rf
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Hi Bruno

Yes i do agree with everything you say and i know i can be a ******** when i dont get what i want , and i did want a AA gun and think there is nothing wrong with them but i do think the Daystate is the better gun, it realy was the attitude of there sales team not even being prepaired to tell who made the origanal left hand stocks, surly they will still have the tooling for them in a room someware, i might even get a MPR FT it is a multi stock as well the only thing i dont like about the AA is the safty and that i think was added by one of the enginers children lol


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