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Rabbits in the cover.....

The Essex Hunter

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With a 9 am start in Halsted and little frost on the ground, we were hoping for a reasonable haul from a new field on the other side of a small river which flows between two fields.

I had seen the fresh workings across the river last week, so we made plans for this morning.

The farmer had sold 6 large willows to go for cricket bats and the work involved had cleared a lot of the brambles etc. I did find a mink spoor on one of the stumps and this set a different tone in the camp. I have three very large hobs who like a good tear up, so they were volunteered for the job.

Thankfully no mink! However a 300 yard run only produced 8 rabbits.

So on to a second farm close by, as we drove down the track and 6 rabbits ran across heading for some cover around a pond.

I got out and crept around for a look to see the rabbits heading for the long grass in a large area which is planted with small trees.

Know in stealth mode we quickly ran out all our nets around the area, thankfully the grass track around is kept like a lawn. With 450 yards set out, I found some discarded plastic tree protectors which make a great noise when you whack them with a stick.

Long nets are made for this job, the flushed rabbits pick up speed and bundled up a treat.

So we worked the ground for an hour and 15 rabbits came out, hard work with only 3 people….but smiles all round

With all field sports you have to be flexible and to day was no exception……





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