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A grim riddle


A father and son were driving to a ball game when their carstalled on railroad tracks. In the distance a train whistle blew a warning. Frantically the father tried to start the engine, but in his panic he couldn't turn the key and the car was hit by the train. An ambulance sped to the scene and picked them up. On the way the father died. The son was alive but his condition was critical and he needed immediate surgery. The moment they arrived at the hospital he was wheeled into the emergency room, and the surgeon came in, expecting a routine case. On seeing the boy, however the surgeon blanched and muttered, "I can't operate on this boy he's my son"


what do you make of this grim riddle?

how could he be?

Was the surgeon lying or mistaking?

Was the surgeon the boys proper father and the dead man his adoptive father?


What is the explanation?

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