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Chinese Takeaway


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very nice i killed a lot of these down south a lot of years ago when i had the bull x grayhounds.



Les you new this post would give you the limelight :sly: hence taking the post away from the original poster , do you think that's fair :hmm:

Some things are best kept to yourself IMHO :whistling:

Hope you take the advice as it's intended :innocent:

Well done to the op and some nice pic's thanks for sharing , bet you wished you haven't bothered :good:

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A couple of pics from a trip down to water deer country








Good shooting :good:


Being a bit ignorant on the subject of CWD (middle of Scotland, not that likely to encounter one... well not yet anyway!) the animal in the first picture looks to have an ear practically sliced in two, I take it this is damage from another tusk during rut activity? Or am I way off the mark?

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Its my first one so I will let you know when I try a bit. He is hanging in the shed (-2°C) waiting to be caped.


He will have most probably have been fighting with another buck for the ears to be ripped like that, they were old injuries though, completely healed up.


They are great little deer and a pleasure to just watch as they go about their business. Next on the list is a Sika then I have the full house.


There are now a few water deer in Lincolnshire, probably 'introduced', so who knows how far they will spread, although they do not seem to expanding their range as quickly as muntjac did. They are thriving in suitable habitat in East Anglia although I get the impression that in their Bedforshire stronghold they are getting hammered a bit, good bucks have a fair old price tag so are vulnerable to over exploitation.


As for Les, well he has livened up the thread :lol:

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