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Looking for Permission in Lincolnshire


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Hello all, i'm desperately looking for some land to do some shooting on, mainly rabbits, pigeons and crows etc. Have BASA insurance and the air rifles to do it, just need the place now.


I live in Sleaford but have transport to go a bit further a field.


One can only try.

Regards Rob.


On another point, I've read all tips about gaining permission, (writing the letter, having business cards, buying him a bottle of whiskey at christmas etc.) what I want to know is how you can actually tell which are the farm houses, do you just go up and nock and ask if they are the farmers, or do you just post the letters through the doors you think are the farmers or what, cuz some times there are a few houses near farms and thing, just wondering about that.

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Hello all, i'm desperately looking for some land to do some shooting on, mainly rabbits, pigeons and crows etc. Have BASA insurance and the air rifles to do it, just need the place now.


I live in Sleaford but have transport to go a bit further a field.


One can only try.

Regards Rob.


On another point, I've read all tips about gaining permission, (writing the letter, having business cards, buying him a bottle of whiskey at christmas etc.) what I want to know is how you can actually tell which are the farm houses, do you just go up and nock and ask if they are the farmers, or do you just post the letters through the doors you think are the farmers or what, cuz some times there are a few houses near farms and thing, just wondering about that.


What my son and I used to do was drive miles round the fens looking for fields with pigeon or rabbit problems, go to the nearest house and ask if they know who owns the field, sometimes it was the owner sometimes not, but they would usually put you in touch with someone who did know. When you find the owner ask politely if he minds you shooting the pigeons, you'll likely get a grilling about who you know in the way of farmers locally and whose fields you already shoot. I can honestly say we were never refused, but you do need to keep getting more so that you have enough land to look round to find pigeons. I think you'll do better to try to get one field with a specific problem than to ask for blanket permission on a whole farm. After your first sorte don't forget to go and thank the landowner and ask him if he wants any of the pigeons or rabbits for the pot or to give away to friends. Once you've proved to him that you respect the land and can be trusted you'll be amazed how quickly you'll get to know other farmers, with similar problems. I appreciate you are shooting with an air rifle, so perhaps you might have a problem to be taken seriously for mass culling of pigeons, but you should still have a chance on rabbity fields. Best thing get yourself a shot gun if you're old enough to use it alone, or find an older pal with one and a bit of permission already.

In the days when I was a lad with an air rifle we used to go pretty well where we wanted, got chased off a few times, but generally no-one took any notice of kids shooting sparrows and starlings. Good days but gone forever I'm afraid. Hope this is some help, best of luck Andy

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And its not that I don't know how to handle a shotgun, i got clay shooting quite alot with the cadets as well, just thought I would start at the bottom and work my way up.


What is the process for getting a shotgun licence?



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