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Cleaning Beretta A400 Xplor Light


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A few months ago I purchased my first semi auto, a Beretta A400 Xplor Light. Could somebody please advise me how to clean the gun; by that, I don't mean the barrels but the bits you don't get on a SxS or O/U. How often do you carry out a full clean and what materials do you use to remove the carbon etc?





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on my AL391, which is a similar setup. ie gas piston, relief valve etc.


I normally clean the gas piston after every outing.

I do this while the barrel cleaner is soaking in.


Just use baby wipes to clean the gas piston. If it's stuck on carbon, then I use a phorphor bronze brush to loosen the carbon first.

clean the stem that the piston runs on. Don't oil these.


Then maybe a few times a year undo the relief valve spring and clean all the associated bits.

Also after every 3 or 4 outings take out the bolt and clean and lubricate a little to allow it to move smoothly when cycling.

Occisonally remove trigger group and blow out with compressed air and lubricate a little.


These last few things are more important if it's been raining a lot and the whole thing has got soaked.


Hope that helps.

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I have a 391 beretta and i clean it every 500-1000 shots ,it seems to work a little better with a little dirt in it. I do not put any oil on the gas piston or gas piston rod after cleaning it and i use very little oil on all the rest of the gun. I have hound that if you oil the gun to much it will burn off and carbon up the gun and make things stick and jam. The best oil i have found is Rem oil by Remington it is very light oil with anti-rust, just spray a little on and wipe it off. When the gun get wet i clean it and put that stuff on and it comes up like a new pin

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