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gamebirds hatching

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Never heard of Sharmo X, but only thing I can suggest, if you cannot contact your egg supplier for advice, is, keep close eye on when pipping starts, then either transfer to prepared hatcher or wack up humidity and ventilation, depending on incubator



Candle eggs mate at intervals, at about a third of yolk sack left stop turning, humidity up to 75-80% any vents should be shut down to around 1/4 open if you have it right from stop tuning to hatched chicks should be about 4 days, also by candling is a good way to see if it is even worth bothering on first week you should start see the blood veins, doesn't matter great lengths if your still turning but you will get a varied hatch, on experience I would be edging for 21 days.


DO NOT ON ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OPEN THE INCUBATOR FOR THE FEW THAT HAVE HATCHED you will ruin the rest of the hatch progress loosing humidity, how ever tempting it may be (mum would/should never jump until she thought it was time - but some are ******** and will leave with just one chick!) they will not starve as they are still living of there yolk sack for about 3 days, once you feel that a good few % have hatched then open all vents and leave to dry ( I would aim for 75ish% but dont forget fertility) so yet again by candling you will know which are good and which are dud!


hope this helps and all the best,

Edited by tikka lad
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