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Electric dog training collar


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Hi all,

I'm after one of these, if anyone has one they aren't using any more, or can recommend one. It's for one of my partners Springers.


Some background,,,, she [we] have tried lots of normal techniques to no avail. He [6 yrs old ] has a mind of his own most of the time, but does have some very good instincts, and reacts to some commands, but not those that matter off, or on the lead. My partner started his training very early, after getting him at 8 weeks old, but soon after, personal reasons [close family bereavement] put training off and the slack spell is now showing big time.

She has two ESS's, both males, and the slightly older one is very obedient, but the difficult one has changed him a little. Some habits changed but nothing that can't be controlled.

Any help and advice welcome also, but my partner knows that the "collar" will work. She had four ESS's at one time, and they were all well trained by her, and all could be off the lead where appropriate with no problems, so she knows her Springers.


Thanks in advance.



Edited by JKD
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Hi all,

I'm after one of these, if anyone has one they aren't using any more, or can recommend one. It's for one of my partners Springers.


Some background,,,, she [we] have tried lots of normal techniques to no avail. He [6 yrs old ] has a mind of his own most of the time, but does have some very good instincts, and reacts to some commands, but not those that matter off, or on the lead. My partner started his training very early, after getting him at 8 weeks old, but soon after, personal reasons [close family bereavement] put training off and the slack spell is now showing big time.

She has two ESS's, both males, and the slightly older one is very obedient, but the difficult one has changed him a little. Some habits changed but nothing that can't be controlled.

Any help and advice welcome also, but my partner knows that the "collar" will work. She had four ESS's at one time, and they were all well trained by her, and all could be off the lead where appropriate with no problems, so she knows her Springers.


Thanks in advance.




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