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dust mites in dogs


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Looking for some advice or past experiences concerning this, my lab has always had flaky skin to the point a vet visit was needed. Diagnosed as excema caused by either diatery or dust mites being the reason. I have , after trying many different dry foods, put him on a barf diet which helped a bit but he still has the skin complaint. I am currently testing an anti-histamine on the advice of a good friend but doesn't seem to be working but time will tell. He has always been on a prescribed flea treatment (advocate) since he was a pup.


Im just wondering if anyone has experienced this and if they have come across anything else that has helped ? Fingers crossed the anti-histamine will start to make a difference but want to put the feelers out to the learned pw. :good:

Edited by mpk
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The dog is insured. He has not been tested as the vet said there was no need to ? He said to change his diet or if all else fails kennel him so he is not indoors.


That's not good form. If the dog is insured then ask to be referred to a specialist dermatologist. There are various skin and blood tests that can be done to see what the dog is allergic to, but I'm not convinced you have enough info to even say if the dog is allergic to anything!


Sounds like you need a better vet :yes:




Go back to the vets, explain what you want.

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Having a dog who has severe allergies to house and dust mites (confirmed by both skin and blood tests) I did a couple of things. Treated the house with a special spray (can't remember the name), popped him onto raw diet and gave anti histamine if it got really bad. Also used malaseb and episoothe shampoos. My boy hasn't needed any of the above for the past 6 years now :)


If you are insured then definitely get a referral to a specialist practice to get allergy tests done. Most often, dogs are also allergic to pollens and some foods (as was mine) so we avoid these too :)

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