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Well decided to take the .177 down the permission this evening as wind speeds were low, temperature good, nice evening. Got down and as I got through the gate a could see a pair of rabbits playing in the leaves, so laden down I got into the wood and set up. Got Mini-Me out and got to the mound, up the steps and then down, Buggs and Luggs had moved further up the wood, so I lined up on the closest one, 45 metres (pre checked), so 2up on the reticle, fired, rabbit did a no win lottery, ie rolled over! Straight down. Once again the fairer calibre had claimed fur!


Saw a couple of kits, so they got shot too, sorry but I am asked by the farmer to shoot all rabbits, so these were left out for my feathered friend who seems happy down there (after checking that it was a through and through shot). An hour before sundown I got myself into position under the three firs, facing across when I saw a bushy tailed tree rat! The branch he was on was 25 metres away, 10 metres up, aimed, fired, rat in the air, down like a lead brick, straight into the biggest tangle of briars on the permission, seeing as there was only one and not enough to eat I left the beggar there!


As the hawk had been active the pigeons weren't too happy around and numbers were down again (the other roost is three quarters of a mile away inside the sewage works), but 4 landed in the trees near the briar, I got a good aim, fired and one fell as three flapped! Nice head shot again! So I sort had a treble but photo only shows two! The rabbit was a buck and is 2lb 2oz cleaned and ready for cooking.



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Got another pigeon tonight to make enough for the pie. Got it with a head shot. It fell down and continued to flap, nerves, idiot here decided to wring it's neck, twist and pull.


I have found three things out!


1) They do not go bang.


2) There are no novelty gifts or hats.


3) There are no jokes inside either!


Decided not to photo the result, but sill save time on the cleaning I suppose!

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