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Northern Ireland

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hi there,


Know that this is a bit of a long shot but as i an relitily new to shooting in Northern Ireland I am currently not a member of a shooting syndicate. I shot at a Welsh shoot a few times last year with my uncle, mainly walk up pheasant shooting and currently do regular clay pigeon shooting. I am looking to join a syndicate in Northern Ireland to continue to purse this passion. I would be looking to join game birds, waterfowl and pigeon/ varmin shooting syndicates. I have 4 more months probation on my gun licence ( 6 months in total as first UK FAC) so this would take me up to end of August. I have both air rifles and shotguns and would be happyt o help with varmin cotrol. Iam a member of the CA and have full insurance and work in a professional job. I enyoy the outdoors and have always been a keen wilderness man and have been a member of conservation projects in Africa when I lived there. If you know of any syndicatred looking for a member please can you let me know as I would be most interested in joining.



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