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First blood...


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So I got my hmr on new years eve and ever since I've had zeroing issues. Shooting miles off etc, finally got it close but couldn't get it anywhere near accurate. Shooting all over. Even after going bad to the shop twice, even for the owner to set it up at his house.


So at the beginning of the week I borrowed my mates bipod(bloody great price of kit!!!) and got it to where I wanted i finally. Cost me a lot in ammunition!


After a stressful week and a relaxing day as its my bday, I decided to go out before the sun went.


I hit the first field and immediately spotted a hare, unfortunately I was 10 feet from a main road, so I stalked up for about 30 yards and got within 70yrds or so. Got into prone and bam...... My first blood with my hmr and my first ever hare!


I then hit the second field and walked about 50 yards, saw a rabbit and hit the deck. Setup and took the shot..... Heard a tiny squeak and saw it back flip a couple of times and fall into the ditch along side. It was a lot further a shot than I though, well it was 220 yards paced out. Unfortunately I could not retrieve the bunny .


I then hit another field but it was to ark by the time I got there so turned around for home.


I looked all over the hare but couldn't see any entry or exit wound, very confused...... And also it is bloody big, took me by surprise how big it was!



Edited by Jbwuk
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Glad you think its a great present , but I would guess most of us frown on shooting hares in the breeding season :hmm:


I have permission on the land i shoot on to control pests and vermin and to stop the damaging crops. Well considering it was on a field that had just had cropped planted and it was having a go at these. I don't just shoot for fun, I'm there to do a job aswell so to speak.

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