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Fox trapping

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Guys I need some advice,

I keep hens at home and every now and then a fox comes along and wipes them out.

Normally I put a cage trap out and end up with 1 or 2 foxes before the week is out.

The trap I usually borrow is already out so I borrowed one off another mate.

The trap was baited with rabbit guts and an old duck I found in the freezer it was sprung the morning after with fox fur caught in the door.

So Iv managed to scare the fox :no: Is it possible to catch this fox now?

I checked this moring and its tried pulling the duck through the weldmesh instead of going in.

As its my garden its not practical to shoot it, I cant snare it as there are lots of different ways in.

I thought about wiring the trap open and filling it with dead stuff when its all gone setting it again.

Any ideas?

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Hey up dave,

Not sure how your setting it, but the last time I used a trap these are the factors I considered.

The floor of the cage was covered in soil so that any fox wasn't walking on mesh, bait suecured so that it couldn't be accessed withoput fully entering the cage. (The cage I borrowed was a big ******) covered the sides with hesian sacks so it was more like tunnel than a cage.


It might be worth leaving it out in the open to weather any scent off before setting it somewhere like the back of the shed, enclosed with old boards or sacking, and with a good covering of top soil or sand (sand will let you see any tracks) on the floor. Leaving it as a baiting station like you mentioned might be a good idea, watch out for fox sh#t near by as it'll be marking its territory once it feels confident.


Best of luck

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Hey up dave,

Not sure how your setting it, but the last time I used a trap these are the factors I considered.

The floor of the cage was covered in soil so that any fox wasn't walking on mesh, bait suecured so that it couldn't be accessed withoput fully entering the cage. (The cage I borrowed was a big ******) covered the sides with hesian sacks so it was more like tunnel than a cage.


It might be worth leaving it out in the open to weather any scent off before setting it somewhere like the back of the shed, enclosed with old boards or sacking, and with a good covering of top soil or sand (sand will let you see any tracks) on the floor. Leaving it as a baiting station like you mentioned might be a good idea, watch out for fox sh#t near by as it'll be marking its territory once it feels confident.


Best of luck


Cheers mate, I did find a pile of fox **** by the trap.

Iv filled it with dead stuff and wedged it open once the fox has emptied it ill reset it and saee how it goes.

Cheers for the tips

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  • 2 weeks later...
:hmm: just a thought i had in my head for a while ,but never had chance to try.?If your chucks are in a pen,could you cut a hole in the fence,put the trap inside the pen by the hole,the fox may think he in for easy meal. as the scent of the chickens would be around the trap.May not even need to bait the trap????:hmm: just a thought???
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:hmm: just a thought i had in my head for a while ,but never had chance to try.?If your chucks are in a pen,could you cut a hole in the fence,put the trap inside the pen by the hole,the fox may think he in for easy meal. as the scent of the chickens would be around the trap.May not even need to bait the trap????:hmm: just a thought???


I'm going to do something on the same lines as this, get it set up an just leave it then to loose any scent on it, had trouble when the youngsters wer out last year around July time, they would come in the day the little red ********. It'll be ready for them this year.

I also thought that once the birds are shut away the trap could be left open so they can see through, walking through they would cause the door to close behind trapping them in the chicken run not the trap itself. Something I'll be trying if/when I start having trouble again

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