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As today's weather forecast was good, 'the poacher' and myself decided to make the most of it and have a crack on the Corvids. We met at 05.45, and were up and ready to shoot by 06.30. We used my old Crow decoys (15) and also my new flock ones, which were 6 shells & 6 full bodied. We also had the rota, 2 flappers and a few bouncers ready for when we bagged a few birds. In the distant fields, we could see approx 80+Crows, but we new that they probably would'nt come near us.

After about 15 minutes past, Mark saw a Crow coming across the field and took a brilliant shot at it. It dropped stone dead, at a distance of about 40 yards. Another one came in later from the other side of the field, and I shot that one, again at around 40 yards, and it too dropped stone dead. Things went quiet, and we could see many Crows in the fields in front of us. We also new that they were down the bottom field too,behind us, so I fired a shot into the air to see what would happen. A few Crows came up from the bottom field, and Mark and I shot another one each. Another spell of 'nothing' then a few Jackdaw's came from behind us over the trees. We shot one each again, and also another two later. By 1pm, we decided to call it a day. We did expect to see more Jackdaw's, but we have to take into consideration that we shot almost 300 last Oct/Nov, and have obviously made a dent in the population. We ended the session with eight birds, 4 Crows/4 Jackdaw's, which was a bit disappointing, but, as always, we still enjoyed being out.We estimated that we only missed 4 birds.

The photographs show, our hide, the decoys in place, one of the fields where the Crow's land (most of them land in the top left field, in the photo) and we can't get at them, and our 8 birds.

My thanks to Mark, as always, for an enjoyable and fun packed half day. Hopefully, we will make up for it soon.

HIDE 2.jpg

FIELD 11.jpg

FIELD 22.jpg

CROWS 2222.jpg

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as steve said we have hit this farm very hard,there are still alot of birds there but they are very reluctant to come to the decoys :mad: but our time will come :D so next week we're in the truck and going to get alot more new permission where we can get big numbers :whistling: HAPPY HUNTING :shoot:

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