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Bazzoka for sale!!!


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I have a single barrel Eibar 10 bore for sale. It is a hammer gun and is a non ejector with a 3.5 inch chamber and full choke.

It weighs approx. 8.5lb ( a bit less than a friends Browning Waterfowl 12b) but if you not firing many it doesnt matter!

It is in good condition and is an ideal goose gun or fox gun and comes with some lead 63g Federal carts and some Winchester and Remington 1's and 4's .


Dont be put off by the recoil, i fire it sitting down in a boat and it is just like a 12 bore magnum load really and even my 12 y.o brother has fired it!

The cartridges are worth about 1 quid each so wise shooting is needed and if bismuth ( £2 per bang) is used you better be bloody good!

I have shot pigeons at 65 yards with this gun so great for ducks etc.



£100 no offers -you can try it on clays but must pay for the cartridges!



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