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Another muppet who thinks that they know more than they do. Never underestimate the power of the sea.


They put others lives at risk (the lifeboat crew). I often think that there should be a test, like the driving test, that people should have to take before they can put to sea, even if it is in a marina.

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I have done an RYA powerboat course. It certainly opened my eyes to the dangers.


The lads that taught the course were coast guards & lifeboat men. They told a story about a guy that bought a short legged outboard, then when the propellor didn't touch the water, he cut the transom down on the boat. First trip out the water came in over the back and it sank. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by ME
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Another muppet who thinks that they know more than they do. Never underestimate the power of the sea.


They put others lives at risk (the lifeboat crew). I often think that there should be a test, like the driving test, that people should have to take before they can put to sea, even if it is in a marina.

As a professional mariner I never cease to be amazed at the absolute stupidity of some people who buy boats then proceed to sea in them.

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Another muppet who thinks that they know more than they do. Never underestimate the power of the sea.


They put others lives at risk (the lifeboat crew). I often think that there should be a test, like the driving test, that people should have to take before they can put to sea, even if it is in a marina.


Couldn't agree more, especially the bit about the test. I scuba dived off ribs for years and as a result became a BSAC boat handler which is basically RYA Powerboat one plus a bit of diving specific stuff, I then bought my own fast fisher and did RYA powerboat 2.


There is so much that NEEDS to be learned before people should even consider putting to sea, not to mention the basic safety requirements onboard, yet year on year you hear of boats being rescued because they ran out of fuel...and didn't have a radio..or flares...and didn't realise that they may not have phone signal 5 miles offshore...and they don't have an anchor so are just drifting further and further away...as for an auxiliary outboard, behave, they couldn't even be ***** to service the main power unit or check the fuel tanks for contamination ...and God forbid it starts to sink, because life jackets aren't necessary are they? ....or...or....or one of a thousand entirely preventable problems.


Easy that boating lark, innit?

Edited by -Mongrel-
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We always wear auto lifejackets :good: The last time the RNLI did my sea check - he asked about my MOB recovery system ??? you mean these I said when I showed him my Skate gaff's :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol: he showed a sigh of relief when I produced the throw bag ;)

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