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Reactive targets


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I bought a "reactive target" while in the states recently from Walmart for $18 after watching the video playing above the display, I had my doubts but got out today tested it.


The general idea is you lay it in a field and shoot it and it somersaults around and changes position, it also claimed to "self heal" with any calibre from 22 to .50 cal....


Totally impressed! Sure enough when you shoot it (I set it up at 75-80yards) and it goes spinning in the air and jumps about (10ft on right on the first hit) I started off shooting it with the 22 WMR with hollow points and BT's and then tried it with the 243 and 75gr BT's and below are the results, very impressed!




This is the entrance hole, the 2 holes with black edges are the 243 Bt's (centre and above centre closest) the rest are 22 mag hollow points -




And this is the exit hole with the rounds lying best to them - 243 hole is the lower one -



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that's clever.


That's what I thought! For $18 I didn't expect much but it was genuinely fun watching to see where it ended up after the shot! And with a cowboy gun underlever I was having great fun knocking it all over the field :oops:




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Look's good.

How big is it?

Did it self heal or will it be like swiss cheese after a session? :good:


It says good for "over 1000 rounds" and it looks like it will meet that claim...


I like that. I was in Walmart only 3 weeks ago and did not see it :blush:


They had them in all different shapes and sizes too, and the display was day-glo orange! :oops:

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