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Fisherman Mike

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Mike - awesome work. Thanks very much for this. :good: We'll start liaising after the BH on the specifics regarding food, and any other activities.


There has been talk of foraging, and there has been talk of butchery, cue the comedians... ;)



I've double entendre'd myself out this week so I'll leave off.


As Duncan said Mike, top work. Should be a hoot.

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just waiting to talk to NJC for the possibility. not had the chance to speak. i have been out the last 3 evenings to try and pick up a muntjac but their all gone south for the summer. i will keep trying.




Collecting fire wood. NO one said anything about WORK, my god, you'll want us to light it next!!!!!




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Tides are great this week but unfortunately slightly out of kilter with the event which would mean having to keep Razors alive for about three days. Its doable but it's tricky with the set up that I have. I have plenty of this years in the freezer that are human consumption grade. Much easier to transport also.


Going to have a look over the river later and see if theres any samphire but still early. Got a few gallon of cider that I will be sampling later with a few to bringing that along. Hoping my mate will get out to the wrecks this week and get us a couple of nice Bass.

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