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2 0 to the rabbits

matty thud

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well just got back from afternoon up at my farm permission and not one rabbit to come away with and the same last time out was waitng and waiting but none came out closer enough t take a shot at . ther are plenty ther cos had plenty before but last two outings not one just wonderd if it could be all the cold weather and rain we have been having why ther not been coming out any one else had the same problem ? but on a good note as coming away saw few kits playing in other field so at least thers bunnies for future ?

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probably the weather mate! wait till we get some good sun again when it's warmed up a bit and this dastardly low pressure has finally fled, then it should pick up! The plus side is that when it does go, they will be very active indeed so roll in the next spell of good weather! Couple of years should do it at this rate.

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Hi have just been out to a few of my permissions and there are plenty of rabbits about, more so around dusk time. Bagged a nice sized one just in time to get back before the mrs ;) I would say the best time to try is about 5 am and 9pm that's when they seemed to be about. A good tip I was given was to fill in any holes you find and go back in a few days then you have an idea how many rabbits are about and where they are :)

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