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rapid basher

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evening all

iv been doing my head in since last night over

applying for a 22lr or a 243 has iv got permisson

to shoot both(243 for deer in mind) , and was thinking has iv got a shoty lisence

and am now applying for a 22lr lisence and later o nmaybe applying for a 243


so why dont i just apply for both at the same time!

or will that make it more difficult??

but if they'll grant me one, they'll grant me 2 just as easy right??


your thurts and opinons please


bere in mind that the land is all ready passed for both

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Shouldn't be a problem for 22lr, but the FEO might insist on a mentoring condition on a .243 if its your first CF, they did with me even though i had already had a .22rf for 5 years. What you could do is ask for a .22lr and a FAC air rifle and then do a one for one variation later on to save yourself the variation fee. Also remember to ask for moderators for each calibre as this is another separate slot you can do the same again.

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If you have suitable written permission which demonstrates the need to have both calibres apply for them both, you don't need to buy them both straight away. I put in for .22lr, 17hmr & 22cf and got all three, 6 months later variation in to add on a .243 and got that as well.

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Apply for both.

If you have good reason (i.e if there are deer on your land, or foxes could be a suitable reason for a .243 as well) you will be granted both. They might require you to have a mentor (probably just for the .243), either to take you out before they grant a certificate or for a certain period of time (e.g for 6 months) you might need someone with a centre-fire to supervise you while shooting the .243.

Even if you don't need the .243 soon, put in for it and then buy it when you want it, provided you buy it before your certificate needs renewing (in 5 years) that's OK.


It's best to apply for it now, it's free to apply for as many calibres you want now, if you leave it it costs £26 to add anything. Don't forget to ask for moderators for each rifle as these are classed as firearms too.

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there isnt a limit on what you can have by number

those two rifles are totally different tools


apply for both and think about what your valid reason is.

So long as it washes and you have the land to use them there is no reason why you wont get them.

you dont have to buy them both at once.


Always apply for more slots then if you decide to change your mind in future you can just do a 1for1 free swap

Edited by Bewsher500
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Apply for 22lr and a 17hmr(long-range vermin). After a while apply for a 1 for 1 variation if u feel u need the centrefire for deer, my permission is too windy for 17hmr so asked for a 223 1 for 1 amendment to include fox! Still waiting hopefully for the variation to be granted!

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