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Cyalume light sticks - any use for them in the field ?

Salop Matt

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I have been given 8 cyalumes in yellow, very brite with a runn time of 30min before they start to fade !

So does anyone use these out shooting and if so what for ?

If i cant find a use for these then they will just go in my box i have for incase of power cuts ! :good:


Other than for marking positions of hung game i couldnt think of any other application !



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Guest cookoff013

snap one and use it in your game bag for identifying whats there (in the dark.)


i tape one to a torch when i was lamping.


or put one on my clothing to identify my position to my friend.


they are really useful.



i used some when i went wildfowling ages ago. my guide said they were utter B011ox and ****. because he couldnt find the off switch.

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Don't use cryalumes. Buy yourself a few krill lamps instead. These are waterproof and use rechargeable batteries, standard aa's or aaa's. They run for a good 24 plus hours probably longer and will last a lifetime.


I use these when rabbiting at night to mark the bags of rabbits for the return journey collection.

Edited by mick miller
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