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how to put land on fac form???

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just been filling in my fac for the first time im asking for a 17hmr moderated and a 22lr moderated so shouldnt be a problem but how do i put down about the land i have to shoot on all it says on the form is

where do you intend to use it (giving name and phone number of occupier or club secretary as applicable) and then a few small boxes for the infomation only reason i ask is the keeper whos land im going to be useing says you normally get a seperat form for the land information is this right has it changed and how do i go about filling it in , the keeper has the shooting rights and is allowing me to use the land do i just need his info or do i need the land owners name address and contact number also the land is spread out over three farms so ill will have to put them all down not a problem just want to fill it in right first time and a bit un sure keep getting conflicting advice and help would be very much appreciated thanks adam :good:

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just been filling in my fac for the first time im asking for a 17hmr moderated and a 22lr moderated so shouldnt be a problem but how do i put down about the land i have to shoot on all it says on the form is

where do you intend to use it (giving name and phone number of occupier or club secretary as applicable) and then a few small boxes for the infomation only reason i ask is the keeper whos land im going to be useing says you normally get a seperat form for the land information is this right has it changed and how do i go about filling it in , the keeper has the shooting rights and is allowing me to use the land do i just need his info or do i need the land owners name address and contact number also the land is spread out over three farms so ill will have to put them all down not a problem just want to fill it in right first time and a bit un sure keep getting conflicting advice and help would be very much appreciated thanks adam :good:


I just squeze it in. However, if you can't make it fit just use a seperate bit of paper.

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I was told to Ring up first and see if the land is checked, if not get a request in now. It will save you time later on. And I just included my perission letters and put the farm name + post code on the form next to the chosen calibers I wanted.

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There is a land permission slip but the FA office is just trying to find out the information it needs from a form that does not have enough room on it. I always find that it helps to enclose a letter containing information that you either do not have enough room for or no box to put it in on the 101 form.

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