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Adventure, bushcraft, trek, canoe, shooting, fishing holiday


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I am thinking of getting away for a week or so and doing some sort of holiday, maybe shooting, fishing or walking, cannoeing i don't realy know. This is something i have been on about for a good few years and my wife is only to pleased to get rid of me :hmm:


Has anyone got any ideas what i could do and where and does anyone fancy a trip :good:

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Get yourself and some mates over to the southern United States and hire a couple of kayaks for a run down the river. If one of your mates plays the guitar, so much the better. It is a good idea to try & hire some locals to drive the cars downriver to where you will be making landfall, don't worry if they are a bit backwards, they won't let you down. Take a crossbow with you and try not to antagonise anyone on the shore during your trip. If you do, whatever you do next, DONT get off the boat unless you are good at pig impressions...

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Get yourself and some mates over to the southern United States and hire a couple of kayaks for a run down the river. If one of your mates plays the guitar, so much the better. It is a good idea to try & hire some locals to drive the cars downriver to where you will be making landfall, don't worry if they are a bit backwards, they won't let you down. Take a crossbow with you and try not to antagonise anyone on the shore during your trip. If you do, whatever you do next, DONT get off the boat unless you are good at pig impressions...



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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