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Have any of you chap baught or used a clay trap that cost about £60 -£70 ? ( clay king etc ) as advertized in sporting gun & basc mags.


Are they any good?


Are they worty buying?


I need some practice, I've not been out with the shot gun for a few months and I've gone a bit rusty(shal we say) :lol:


I uasly shoot woodys, :no:



thanks in advance kipper :P

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I have one of these http://www.scottcountry.co.uk/products_det...p?productID=533


Its ok, not really strong enough to throw doubles of any great use. Standards are ok, I mounted mine on an old bowmans steat stand and its a lot better. Mounted in the ground it comes loose, in the tyre isn't great either.


If you mount it to a sitting frame and move it around it can provide some entertainment, but don't expect all that much. If you use midi clays its better, will throw an awesome fast mini crosser too.


Picked mine up for £55, so for that money you can't really complain :P

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I picked up mine fo about £40. again this ones not strong enough to throw doubles really, and the standards fly alright but they won't go for miles and they're not gonna travel at extreme speeds, as mentioned earlier the midis fly better. I find it does help to keep my eye in to a degree, and you can get differnt types of shots by moving the clip that holds the clay so you can get curlers and crossers, if you set the trap up at the top of a hill or dip and stand in the bottom while someone else works the trap it allows you to get some practice in at some higher clays.

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