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Good day out crow bashing with Swiss.tony


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Had an invite from Swiss.tony for a day out today, met at his about 8am and travelled over to Market Weighton, had a ride round and found a good flock of crows on a pea field so got set up about 9.30 but nothing decoyed so packed up and went to the chippy for dinner, had another ride round and decided to set up on the opposite side to where we had been, had a great afternoon, birds came in dribs and drabs but most decoyed well, both did some fine shots with Tone getting the shot of the day with a good 60 - 70 yard crow sat down, could have had a lot more if id have remembered to fetch no5 shells instead of no6's :oops: finished the day with a quick ride for a couple of shots at some bunnys, managed to blood my rapid ive just got and Tone skinned and gutted one at 60 yard with the .223 :lol: , all in all a very enjoyable day with a like minded fella, cheers Tone, will come over again when i get chance. :thanks:



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