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Falconry experience day


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My wife has kindly given me a voucher for a hands on experience day at a local(ish) falconry centre. This is something I've always fancied doing and I'm really looking forward to cashing it in. Unfortunately they are already fully booked up until the end of August / beginning of September.


Can anyone suggest any good books/dvds which I can read/watch in the meantime that will help me pass the time, and also assist in getting the most out of the day when it does eventually arrive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

on a wing and a prey nick hammond,falconry the essential guide steve wright,bothe books are a good read for the beginer mate good luck

Checked the local library and found that they had both of these titles. Collected the former and put a reservation in for the latter.


Ended up reading the Steve Wright in just a couple of sittings over the weekend. An excellent introdction. Loads of relevant information well presented in a relaxed but authoritative style, well laced with a wry sense of humour. :good:


Looking forward to picking the second one up later on this week. Many thanks for the recommendations. (I'm even more impatient now!)

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